
Hi there,

Welcome to my website.

I am Sandra Watkins and I am a teacher.

One day, when I was looking over some typical inner city suburbs, I remembered hearing about teams of snapping, squealing high-energy jack russells and fox terriers being driven about the city, hunting in the dirt under tall-stumped houses for rats. Now there’s a good story, I thought. Why don’t I find out more about that? This website is dedicated to the Sandra Watkins take on local history involving dogs and other seriously interesting topics like prisons and asylums, The Ekka, old style dunnies, when the war came to Queensland and more dogs. You can find out a lot about the real people in the past by reading their stories and seeing them in your mind rather than just looking at the facts.

Have a look around, let me know what you think and what I can help you with.

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